Advertising Opportunities

Advertising Opportunities


The Arkansas Lawyer Magazine

Reach Arkansas legal professionals by advertising in The Arkansas Lawyer, the flagship publication of the Arkansas Bar Association. The magazine reaches more lawyers, judges, and other legal professionals than any other legal publication in the state. The circulation includes over 5,000 Association members as well as other subscribers (individuals, law libraries and legal organizations nationwide).

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Current issue and archives



Weekly E-Bulletin 

Reach attorneys and legal professionals weekly by advertising in our E-bulletin. 

Delivered to the inboxes of subscribers, the bar keeps professionals informed of the topics that matter most. Subscribers are decision-makers with purchasing power – the top-tier experts in the industry.

Top banner ad: $400/month*
Middle row ad: $350/month*
Bottom row ad: $325/month*

*One month equals 4 weeks.

Ad size: 580 X 180 pixels
Ads are sold by the month and are run on a first-come, first-served basis.

Website  (Home page of

Four box ads located on the right column of the home page are available. They run vertically down the page. 

Cost: $400/ month*

*One month equals 4 weeks.
Ad size: 250 X 250 pixels
Ads are sold by the month and are run on a first-come, first-served basis. 

Stand-Alone e-mail

ArkBar will consider sending to members a one-time stand-alone email to organizations that align with our mission and goals.
The cost is $3,000 per email. Contact Publications Director for consideration. Subject to approval by ArkBar’s Executive Director. 

Download Digital Advertising Contract

Contact Anna Hubbard at or 501-801-5680 for more information.