2024-2025 ArkBar Committees and Task Forces
Committee and Task Force Descriptions
Artificial Intelligence Task Force:
This Task Force is charged with researching the field of Artificial Intelligence and developing recommendations and resources to educate our membership on the use of this technology. Key elements for study are guardrails for AI in the legal profession, how AI can benefit our members, and ethical considerations with the use of AI in legal proceedings.
Audit Committee:
Responsible for selecting the company which audits the Association and for reviewing said audits and making recommendations to the Board of Trustees as needed based on the audit.
Bar Center Task Force:
The charge of the Bar Center Task Force is to review the Association’s agreements, policies, and practices related to the rental, use, and maintenance of the Arkansas Bar Center and prepare a report to the Board of Trustees of its findings and recommendations for the purpose of ensuring the future financial viability and sustainability of the Association.
Editorial Advisory Board - The Arkansas Lawyer:
Responsible for setting the editorial policy of The Arkansas Lawyer, reviewing submissions, managing the peer-review process, identifying topics and authors of relevance, interest, and importance to the legal profession, and maintaining the ethical standards of the publication.
Finance Committee:
Responsible for assisting the President in preparing the Association's annual budget, consulting with the Executive Director regarding membership designations, qualifications, dues and fees, recommending to the Board of Trustees the amounts to be transferred to/from the Association’s operating accounts and operating reserves as well as the amount of reserves to be designated for funding depreciation, and reviewing the Association's financial reports monthly.
Jurisprudence and Law Reform Committee:
Considers and reports on all matters of jurisprudence and procedure including reforms of the substantive law and improvements in practice and in the administration of the courts and such other related matters as may be referred to it by the Board of Trustees.
Law School Committee:
Works with University of Arkansas School of Law and UALR William H. Bowen School of Law to improve, and secure funding for legal education consistent with the mission and policies of the Association.
Legislation Committee:
Supports the Association's lobbyist in promoting the enactment of bills included in the Association’s legislative package; considers and decides the position of the Association on legislation which has a direct effect on the practice of law or a significant impact on the administration of justice and on which the Board of Trustees has not taken an official position; and acts to support the position of the Association on legislation pending before the Arkansas General Assembly.
Mock Trial Committee:
Responsible for planning and conducting a periodic series of regional and state-wide mock trial competitions to introduce high school students to concepts of law, legal advocacy, and trial practice. Members develop case materials, serve as coaches for teams, proctors, as well as scoring judges or presiding trial judges for regional and state competitions.
Personnel Committee (Arkansas Bar Association):
Responsible for reviewing the personnel policies and staff evaluation system of the Association and making appropriate recommendations on matters affecting the Association staff.
Sponsorship Committee:
Responsible for reviewing and recommending changes to the Association’s sponsorship packages and programs, assisting Association staff to identify additional sponsorship opportunities and potential sponsors, and for achieving the Association’s sponsorship goals.