For Immediate Release – October 31, 2023
Arkansas Bar Association and Clinton School of Public Service
Accepting Applications for the Third Public Service Academy
The Arkansas Bar Association and the University of Arkansas Clinton School of Public Service, in association with UA Little Rock Bowen School of Law and the University of Arkansas School of Law, announce the Third Public Service Academy for member lawyers, law students, and individuals who are interested in public service in any capacity.
The Public Service Academy will be limited to about 25 diverse, statewide participants including law students. Applications for the Public Service Academy are due November 24th and can be found at There will be a $100 fee for those selected. Scholarships are available upon request.
The selected applicants will participate in two sessions: one in Little Rock (January 19-20, 2024) and one in Fayetteville (March 8-9, 2024).
The Public Service Academy is chaired by Madhav Shroff and Skye Martin, with assistance from vice-chairs Trent Minner and Caitlin Campbell, all graduates of the Public Service Academy.
The steering committee includes former Chief Justice Howard Brill, Vincent Foster Professor of Legal Ethics & Professional Responsibility at the U of A School of Law; Circuit Judge Earnest Brown; House Speaker Matthew Shepherd; and Nate Looney and Michael Goswami, Chairs of the 2nd Public Service Academy.
The Public Service Academy is sponsored by the University of Arkansas Law School, UA Little Rock Bowen School of Law, Rose Law Firm, and Brian Rosenthal.
Founded in 1898, the Arkansas Bar Association is the premier legal association in the state. As a voluntary organization of more than 5,000 members, the Association’s primary mission is to support attorneys; advance the practice of law; advocate for the legal profession; foster professionalism, civility, and integrity; and protect the rule of law.