
Law Student Spotlight- University of Arkansas School of Law Student Steven Griffin

By Ms. Anna Hubbard posted 11-13-2023 04:24 PM


Meet Steven Griffin, 1L
University of Arkansas School of Law



1. Why did you choose to pursue a J.D. and what do you hope to do with your degree after graduation?

I wanted to pursue a J.D. specifically to work in family law because of my personal experiences with the family court system. I am a product of the family court system, and my son is as well. I have experienced the system from both the child and parent perspective. There are many supporters throughout the country that are advocating daily to improve the family justice system. I hope to be a part of this movement by working as an attorney to find solutions that are truly in the best interest of the children.


2. What are some opportunities you have engaged in during your time at law school?

Immediately upon entering the School of Law I joined the Family Law Society. I believe my experience in the United States Army Special Operations helped to get me elected as part of the leadership team of the student organization. My goal, as a member of the student organization, is to work with law school administration to establish the first family law clinic. I see it as a way to help everyone in the community, particularly those who might otherwise be unable to retain legal services. 


3. What has been your favorite part of law school so far?

I think my favorite part of law school has been my classmates and learning their individual paths to law school. They are a diverse group of students that bring unique perspectives and it has been nice to exchange ideas, theories, and successful study habits back and forth. 


4. What are your hobbies outside of work and school?

I love being a dad. The Army required much of me including being away from the house and family. My wife, Mariela, and I enjoy taking the kids to do various activities or attend different types of events. I am very passionate about sports, specifically basketball. We try to get out and be as active as possible.


5. Tell us something interesting about yourself that we couldn’t learn from reading your resume.

The Army afforded me the opportunity to travel the world and experience different cultures by way of emersion. I have visited 4 continents, 12 countries, and have been able to negotiate with world leaders on matters pertaining to strategic processes and national security. These experiences have been invaluable as I begin my legal education with such a diverse group of students.  

