The Arkansas Bar Association (ArkBar) is pleased to announce Jamie Huffman Jones as the new President-Elect Designee. Jones, of Little Rock, was elected without opposition at the close of nominations on October 2, 2023. Jamie is a partner in the Litigation Practice Group at Friday, Eldredge & Clark PLLC and a member of the firm’s management committee.
Jamie’s commitment to her community and profession is extensive. Jamie is currently serving on ArkBar’s Board of Trustees and has been the District B representative to the Executive Committee for the past two years. She previously served on the Board of Governors and House of Delegates (tenured). ArkBar has honored Jamie with two Presidential Awards of Excellence: in 2023 for her work as Chair of the Membership Value Task Force and in 2017 for her work on the Drafting Task Force. She received a Golden Gavel Award in 2019 for her work as chair of the Mid-Year Meeting, in 2020 for her work as co-chair of the Jurisprudence and Law Reform Committee, and in 2021 for her work as co-chair of the Annual Meeting.
She is a Fellow of the Arkansas Bar Foundation and serves on the Board of Directors. She was recently appointed by the Arkansas Supreme Court to serve a three-year term on its Civil Practice Committee, following her term as Chair of the Arkansas Model Jury Instructions Committee. She is the immediate past President of the Arkansas Association of Defense Counsel. Jamie was selected in 2016 to the Federation of Defense & Corporate Counsel, a highly selective national group of defense lawyers, and was honored by that group in 2021 with the Joseph R. Olshan Award for her work as the Chair of the Amicus and Public Policy Committee.
Jamie’s commitment to her community is felt in Arkansas. She currently serves as Chair of the Board of Directors for the American Heart Association—Central Arkansas, and President-Elect of the National Charity League—Little Rock. She has previously served on the Board of Directors for the Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts, the Junior League of Little Rock, and the Little Rock Chamber of Commerce’s Leadership Greater Little Rock. When she is not lawyering or serving the community, she is enjoying life with her husband, David, and her daughter, Arden.
Jamie graduated magna cum laude from the University of Arkansas with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology in 2000. She graduated from the University of Kansas School of Law in 2003. She served as managing editor of the Kansas Law Review and received the top score of the Arkansas Bar Exam in July 2003. She will serve a one-year term as President-Elect beginning June 2024 before assuming the office of President at the Association’s 2025 Annual Meeting.