
President Pawlik appoints Josh Thane of Texarkana to ArkBar Board of Trustees

By Ms. Anna Hubbard posted 5 days ago


Arkansas Bar Association President Kristin Pawlik today appointed Texarkana attorney Josh Thane to the Bar's Board of Trustees. Mr. Thane will fill the unexpired term recently held by Rep. Carol Dalby, also of Texarkana. 

The seat became vacant when Rep. Dalby was voted President Elect Designee of the Association. Rep. Dalby will serve as Bar President in 2026-27.

President Pawlik welcomed Mr. Thane to the Board and stated she is looking forward to his service and leadership on behalf of the Bar and the legal profession.

Mr. Thane is a partner at the firm of Haltom & Doan in Texarkana. He previously served in the Association's House of Delegates. He is married and the father of two sons.

The unexpired term will end at the conclusion of the Bar's annual meeting on June 13, 2025.

