
View from the Bench: Judge John Scott

By Ms. Anna Hubbard posted 10 days ago


Judge John Scott, Circuit Judge, Division 4, Nineteenth West Judicial Circuit, Bentonville

The Arkansas Bar Association is honored to feature judges sharing their insights through brief video clips on essential topics for lawyers. This fourth video in the series highlights Judge John Scott's perspective.

Judges interested in contributing can reach out to Anna Hubbard.

Judge Scott has served on the Benton County bench for 23 years, following 24 years of legal practice in Rogers. In his brief video, he shares insights from the bench on areas where judges believe attorneys can enhance their representation of clients.

"I think new attorneys need to have a mentor who can provide guidance and someone the attorney can talk to about the client's litigation. Most experienced attorneys are very happy to provide assistance in situations like that. These mentors can also be helpful to you to in getting to know your judge. It is imperative that you familiarize yourself with the way the judge and judicial staff run the courtroom and the office procedures. We all have the same books. None of us do it exactly the same way. Judges and their judicial staff will be happy to answer your questions about office procedures. Having such knowledge will not only improve your organization and presentation, but it will allow you to fully explain to your client what is going on and how things are going to happen during the litigation."

