Arkansas Bar Association Members:
A member recently requested the Arkansas Bar Association consider the following initiatives:
1. Arkansas Government Disclosure Amendment of 2024 and
2. Arkansas Government Disclosure ACT of 2024
The request was referred to the Jurisprudence and Law Reform Committee for consideration. Due to the timing of the request, the Jurisprudence and Law Reform Committee voted not to make a recommendation either way but recommended the request be placed on the June 14th agenda for the full Board to consider.
Both initiated measures address transparency in government.
The proposed constitutional amendment is available at this LINK–Const.
The proposed act amending the Freedom of Information Act is available at this LINK-ACT
Article XIV of the Arkansas Bar Association Constitution requires a 30-day notice for the Board of Trustees to consider an amendment to the Arkansas Constitution. Article XIV also states that any action to support an amendment to the Arkansas Constitution requires a 3/4 majority of those trustees present and voting.
Any member wishing to contact their Board of Trustees District Representative regarding this issue can locate their district representative on this Governance webpage.
Karen K. Hutchins , J.D., CAE
Executive Director
Arkansas Bar Association
Little Rock AR